The NGN transition effort across campus is currently targeted to run through FY2025, and ~340 buildings will migrate to the new NGN network, building-by-building. Each building or location will follow the same cadence:
Stage 1 - Advanced Work: Starts the initial building migration effort. The work begins when the NGN building coordinator provides the approved list of buildings to the NGN project leads. Building assessments in data closets, telecom closets, printers, and other specialty devices are conducted during this stage. Communications are delivered to the community to promote awareness and to help prepare for the network transition (including information about user action needed, impacts, network outages, etc). Stage one is complete after the installation of the network equipment and placed on the NGN network.
Stage 2 - Advanced Transition Work: NGN building connections are tested, and user-specific testing is facilitated. Next, common-use systems and various specialty/vendor equipment (e.g., printers, AV, conference rooms, call centers, etc.) and building automation and safety systems (e.g., air handlers, access controls, fire alarm panels, etc.) are transitioned to the NGN network.
Stage 3 - Transition & Close Work: starts with coordination with building leadership to set a mutually agreeable building transition period – includes wired & wireless. The transition is considered completed when:
- All new equipment is confirmed to be operational (wired & wireless)
- Old equipment and cables are removed from the building
- The community knows how to submit NGN services requests