The NGN team has migrated nearly 2/3 of all Yale campus buildings to date; check our list for details!
Cultural Properties are now included in building migrations
Legacy hardware cleanup efforts are actively underway at previously migrated buildings to ensure all devices connect to Yale’s secure network on NGN
Migration Milestones:
Over 1,000 wireless access points deployed
All five Campus Cultural Centers migrated (AfAm, La Casa, AACC, NACC, MENA)
Completed 50% of residential colleges
Old Campus is 75% complete
NGN leadership presented on the design, implementation, and success of the NGN Program, at CiscoLive! in June
Welcomed four new team members: Remediation Team: Kevin Robinson, Networking: Larry Rossi, IT Security: Jason Dow, Telecom: Gaetano Sanzo
“Meet the Team” series on the NGN website has featured 50% of our team, familiarizing the many faces of this wide-ranging effort within our Yale community
NGN Website migration to Yale Sites platform ready to launch
Animated short video created for early program awareness (watch it here)
Post-migration surveys show overwhelmingly positive feedback from the Yale community about the NGN program’s work (4.5/5 average rating)
July 2023 - June 2024 (FY 24)
The NGN team has migrated over 150 buildings across Yale’s campus to date; check our list for details!
“Meet the Team” series is now featured on the NGN website, familiarizing the many faces of this wide-ranging effort within our Yale community
The NGN program continues to partner with the registrar’s office and building champions to reduce internet outage impact on Yale classes
Community notices have been updated to deliver the most pertinent information at the right time leading up to migration, with links to helpful resources
Multiple avenues exist for community feedback, from the “Tell Us” icon on the NGN website to the survey opportunity upon notice of successful transition to NGN
Be on the lookout for a new superhero with a familiar face, who will be posted in your buildings and around campus to let you know that NGN is coming
Welcomed 6 new team members in the first four months of FY24
John - Telecom, Mary - Project Manager, Kenneth - Wireless, Ayesha - Project Coordinator, Gina - OCM, Bill - Transition Support
NGN migrated more buildings in Q1 of FY24 than all of FY23
August 2023 was the largest migration month yet with 14 buildings migrated
The NGN program migrated its 100th building
The NGN program migrated its first Resident Hall over to NGN
Post-migration surveys are implemented and show positive feedback from the Yale community about the NGN program’s work
NGN building migrations are being completed faster, reducing impact on community members
July 2022 - June 2023 (FY 23)
Migrated 24 buildings over to NGN - 95 total
The NGN program completed the migrations of all Medical Campus buildings
The NGN wireless team deployed 1,968 access points across the completed Yale Medical Campus
The NGN wireless team deployed 703 access points as part of the Wireless Upgrade Initiative
NGN full team, on-site workshops throughout the year, resulting in continuous program improvements
July 2021 - June 2022 (FY 22)
Migrated 50 buildings over to NGN - 71 total
The NGN program completed the migrations of of all VA Campus buildings
The NGN program completed the migrations of all Athletic Field buildings
July 2020 - June 2021 (FY 21)
Migrated 21 buildings over to NGN
25 Science Park transitioned to the NGN wired network
205/221 Whitney Avenue pilot building: wired and wireless networks transitioned to NGN core as ITS Production building
100 Church Street South pilot building: wired and wireless networks transitioned to NGN core and managed as ITS Production building