Security Features

The Next Generation Network (NGN) program is intended to significantly increase Yale’s network security, resiliency, speed, and nimbleness by comprehensive replacement of our aging network infrastructure with Cisco’s Software-Defined Access (SDA) technology –which has built-in security and resilient technology necessary to support our complex research & learning institutional needs.

NGN Advanced Network Security Features

Network security is a core feature and focal point of the Next Generation Network program. NGN is embedding security into the fabric of our core network which will have a resounding impact on our entire Yale community.

The major security categories listed below provide just some of the opportunities the core NGN network will solve for.

NGN Security Initiatives

  • 10 categories of initiatives
Initiative Number Security Category Objectives of the Category
1 Network Visibility Detection and response for security incidents
2 Authentication & Identification Automation, risk differentiation, posture checking
3 Network Control Response and automation
4 Network Segmentation Risk differentiation
5 Wireless Security Controls for wireless IoT devices
6 Guest Networks More usable and secure guest, event networks
7 Security Networks Incident response – quarantine and remediation networks
8 Privileged Account Management Strong control of high risk infrastructure accounts
9 Continuous Operational Processes Maintenance of security standards in the infrastructure
10 New Policies and Procedures Clarifying network roles & responsibilities, terms of service